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Zapashny brothers to save giraffe Marius 14.02.2014 14:22

Edgard Zapashny, famous circus artist and forward of Russia artists’ team, and his brother Askold, circus artist too, are ready to buy a giraffe who’s life in under threat from a Danish zoo, RIA Novosti agency says.

Though healthy, the giraffe Marius is considered genetically unsuitable for future breeding, so the zoo decided that he should be culled.

“We decided to buy the giraffe, to bring him in Russia and to keep him at the Moscow’s circus until a zoo expresses the desire to take Marius”, - Edgard Zapashny said.

Until now the giraffe is kept in a Jyllands zoo (Videbeck, Danmark). The cost of the giraffe is estimated at about 100 000 dollars.

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