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Top-10 scorers of “Art-football” 2017 20.06.2017 18:27


№1, 7 goals - Camilo Roman, Paraguay


№2, 7 goals - Mustafa Cochabey, Turkey


№3, 6 goals - Reuno Rait, Estonia


№4, 5 goals - Igor Silchenko, Russia


№5, 5 goals - Alexander Nikolaev, Russia


№6, 5 goals - Gabriel Naye, Romania


№7, 5 goals - Joan Georgetti, Argentina


№8, 5 goals - Gennaro Delvecchio, Italy


№9, 4 goals - Galim Rayhan, Kazakhstan


№10, 4 goals - Daniel Chekhranov, Serbia

If the players have the same number of goals scored, their positions are determined in accordance with the final positions of the national teams.

If the players are teammates, then the higher place is given to the player whose last goal was scored later.

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