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“Art-football” participants to sign Memorandum on Fair Play 20.05.2014 00:00

All teams participating in the IV Artists’ World Championship which starts in Moscow on May 23, will sign a Memorandum on Fair Play.

The Organizing committee of the IV Artists’ World Championship published a Memorandum on Fair Play to be signed by all the teams participating in the football tournament.

According to Yuri Davydov, organizer of the “Art-football” festival, the essence of the document is to make the art-footballers understand that the game, emotions and will to win should not harm their professional career.

“Our task is to make that all the participants of “Art-football” return unhurt back home, - Davydov said. – The referees will get instructions to minimize the risk of the participants being injured because the majority of art-footballers are not professional players. They gain their lives performing on stages and the injuries could threaten their career”.

A Memorandum on Fair Play

We, participants of the World Championship among performing artists of the football-music festival “Art-Football” 2014,

ACCEPT the rules and regulations of fair play,

UNDERSTAND, that our professional lives take place off the football field,

ACKNOWLEDGE the responsibilities we have before our fans, who value us as first and foremost as performing artists and not as football players.



- to respect other contestants, to win with gratitude and to accept defeat with dignity,

- to value our health and the health of other contestants, to avoid injury and withhold from aggression,

- to denounce any impoliteness, offensive behavior and hooliganism.


We will aim to win, but not at all costs. “Art-Football” is a celebration for both its participants and its viewers, and it is not an arena for harsh combat.


May the best team win!


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